Halloween Series #4: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Halloween Series #4: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love the festivities and the emotions that the spooky holiday conveys. All of the falling leaves and the brisk weather create a sense of mystery and eeriness. But what I love most about the 31st of October is the tradition of watching a ton of horror movies. I really take advantage of it too and one of my go to Halloween movies is the Tim Burton animated classic The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Ever since I experienced the wonderful world of Coraline, I have really grown appreciative of the art of stop motion animation. The work these film makers put into these movies is incredible and The Nightmare Before Christmas is no exception. This movie creates a world to the magnitude of Oz or Middle Earth and has characters equal to Luke Skywalker or Indiana Jones. Jack Skellington is one of the most sympathetic characters in cinema and that’s all thanks to the superb writing. He’s a skeleton sick of doing the same old thing every year, every day for that matter, down in Halloween town. Misunderstood and only full of good intentions he attempts to create something beautiful but in the end only has it burn to the ground. But his failure only helps him realize who he really is and find the closure he needs. I think we can all relate to Jack Skellington and the mere fact that we can relate to a talking animated skeleton is pretty amazing.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is as emotionally resonant as it is visually dazzling. It creates a world unlike any other that we can visit and enjoy for 77 minutes. The characters are as memorable and life like as any character in cinema is and the stop motion animation doesn’t hurt bring a stylish and haunting touch. There is a reason this is my go to Halloween movie and it is quite simple, it’s a timeless classic for all ages.

-The Nightmare Before Christmas: 5/5 🙂

About jamiller6565

My name is Jacob Miller and I am a movie fanatic. I live in Plymouth, Michigan and ever since I was a baby I've been in love with cinema. From Toy Story to Fight Club I can always find the beauty in film making. As an aspiring director and screenwriter, amateur film critic, and all around film lover, I find it to be my duty to keep you up to date on what I've seen and how I liked it. From new to old, I will be posting my favorite and least favorite films almost daily. My favorite movie is Donnie Darko, my favorite director is Steven Spielberg, and my favorite actor is Nicolas Cage. The theater is my home away from home. As Tyler Durden once said, "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." My email is jamiller6565@yahoo.com if you want to contact me for any reason. https://twitter.com/jamiller6565
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