So “Wrong,” But Then Again, So Right! Quentin Dupieux’s “Wrong” Review

Quentin Dupieux is a writer and director with a very unique knack for creating worlds in which things happen for no particular reason or purpose. He began his career with his absurd, yet stimulating, debut, Rubber, which is about a car tire with telekinetic powers that uses them to go on a killing rampage by blowing up people’s heads. Now with his latest film, Wrong, he has once again brought an absurd and completely pointless story to life. But in all my life I have never seen a movie that could be so irrelevant and be so emotionally engaging.
At the start of Rubber, a character gave the audience a long talk about a very interesting topic. This person told us all about how there are things in this world that simply don’t have any particular meaning. They just simply don’t, that’s all. Take E.T. the Extraterrestrial’s skin color for instance, or why you never see the characters in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ever wash their hands…no reason. Now taking into account that Rubber is Dupieux’s first film, I think that this lesson is an introduction to all of his films to come, not just Rubber. Wrong had no intro to tell us that not everything happens for a reason, so that must have been it because things happened in this movie for no reason whatsoever.
Wrong creates a world where you can escape from the real world. If you had a stressful day at work or bad luck chasing the turkey you need to kill for supper, pop this movie in and you’re off to a world without rule and without meaning. You watch a man named Dolph Springer go look for his dog for an hour and a half and find yourself completely immersed. You can make the argument that yes, Wrong did have a meaning to it, but that wouldn’t be the point.
Wrong may be a movie with no certain explanation, but it definitely does have emotion. You follow a troubled man names Dolph Springer through his struggles to find his lost dog. You see all the things he sees and all the things he experiences along the way and you develop a connection with his character. He’s a man who’s lost his way and needs to get back on the right path and I think that anyone can connect to something like that.
Wrong is another, soon to be, cult-classic from visionary writer and director Quentin Dupieux that will remain one of a kind for years, and years to come.

-Wrong: 4/5

About jamiller6565

My name is Jacob Miller and I am a movie fanatic. I live in Plymouth, Michigan and ever since I was a baby I've been in love with cinema. From Toy Story to Fight Club I can always find the beauty in film making. As an aspiring director and screenwriter, amateur film critic, and all around film lover, I find it to be my duty to keep you up to date on what I've seen and how I liked it. From new to old, I will be posting my favorite and least favorite films almost daily. My favorite movie is Donnie Darko, my favorite director is Steven Spielberg, and my favorite actor is Nicolas Cage. The theater is my home away from home. As Tyler Durden once said, "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." My email is if you want to contact me for any reason.
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